Sadly it’s the second last day of the 13 Days of Christmas Giveaways! But, on the bright side, it’s the twelfth day of giveaways!
Today we have a great interview with Michelle Clay, and she’s here talking about and promoting her new release Bitter Black Kiss. This novel has it all, I swear, and I’m proud to say that one of you will win an e-copy of Bitter Black Kiss, and, if you don’t win that, well, you’ll get a second chance to own this great book, as Michelle is adding this great novel to the swelling Grand Prize Giveaway Pot!
So, instead of making you wait any longer, let me introduce you to Bitter Black Kiss by Michelle Clay!
Former event planner Nicole Riley lost not only her job, but part of her humanity when a concert in L.A., fails in catastrophic proportions as the band attacks a rival werewolf pack in attendance. As one of the infected, Nicky has been keeping her “inner beast” in check by taking wolf’s bane, trying to remain in denial, and refusing to become a monster. She’s also slowly begun to rebuild her reputation after the L.A. massacre and has deep respect for Sean Stone because he took a chance on her when no one else would. Now she is in charge of the entertainment for all of Sean’s nightclubs and her life is as close to normal as it gets. Then Brody, the dee-jay at Bitter Black, plays on her sympathy by claiming to have just suffered a wolf bite and she can’t turn him away. She’s very attracted to Brody, but is it wise to mentor him when she can’t even accept what she is? Things take a dark turn when she finds out he’s been lying to her all along.
Brody Dunn is a former police detective in special crimes, a unit that deals with werewolves. When a stripper is found in an alley with a lethal dose of BST (street name: Beast) in her system, Brody poses as a DJ at Bitter Black. He’s convinced Sean Stone is the one bringing the drug into the city and his employee, Nicole was the last one in the dancer's apartment. Brody also knows that Stone has laid down a challenge to the local Alpha and wants to become Pack Leader himself. A change in leadership that Brody is dead set against. In order to get close to Stone, he uses Nicole and pretends to be newly infected by the werewolf virus. He knows that she’s a bleeding heart and will do what she can to help him. What he doesn’t count on is the way Nicole affects him by merely walking in a room.
Stone is used to having his way and getting what he wants. He now wants Nicole whether she’s agreeable or not. He’s more than happy to expose Brody’s secrets to her while hiding his own. Will Nicole be able to navigate the dark and treacherous path between the two men? For it’s not just a choice between her career or her heart, but her humanity hangs in the balance. Which will she choose?
Now, I know some of you are as impatient as I am, and if you find yourself having the overwhelming urge to go out and buy Bitter Black Kiss right now, well, you can! Just head on over to Amazon or Barnes & Noble and pick up a copy.
I want to give a huge thanks to Michelle for sticking around an answering a few questions, it’s so awesome to get to know both the novel and the writer behind the novel!
Welcome Michelle! Can you tell us a bit about yourself? How about in five words or less.
Creative, dark, sensitive, determined and stubborn
Now why don’t you tell us a bit about Bitter Black Kiss? In five words or less, of course J
Bitter Black Kiss is a dark, gritty romance involving werewolves. J
Say you want some a box of chocolates, right this second (it’s okay if you do) what flavour would they be?
I DO want chocolates now! My tastes are simple. Chocolate covered caramels are my absolute fave.
Let’s say you’re moving cross-country, and you can only bring two books with you, what would they be and why?
Now that’s a hard one. There’s so many I’d want to bring! Definitely The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber – It’s like 5lbs, should count for at least 2 books and I still haven’t finished it yet. J I usually read more contemporary novels, but this one has really pulled me in.
So, where do you get your inspiration for your novels from?
For me, inspiration most often comes in the form of dreams and nightmares, music, movies and life experiences. It’s all around us, all the time.
Can you give us a teaser from Bitter Black Kiss? You know something that will hook and send everyone out to go buy the book right this second.
Bitter Black Kiss is crammed full of werewolves, drug lords and strippers. What more could you ask for?
How did you get your start in writing, was it always your dream? And what steps have you taken to becoming an Author?
It sounds cliché, I’m sure, but I’ve known since an early age that I wanted to be a writer. Instead of doing my schoolwork, I used to write poems and short stories in class. The teachers would make me read them aloud as punishment, but it was never punishment to me! I was a storyteller at heart. I wrote my first novella in Jr. High and when my English teacher read it, she praised me and told me that I really had a gift. SO, thanks Mrs. Roberts!
The steps I’ve taken since then? I’ve been a member of many critique groups, I write almost every day and I never stop believing in the worlds I create.
Finally, do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring authors? Maybe a lesson that you’ve learned that you’d like to share.
Write, write and write some more. Perfect your craft and never, ever give up. The toughest and arguably the most important lesson I’ve learned is to have a thick skin. The thicker the better.
Thank you so much Michelle for stopping by, Bitter Black Kiss is a must read, and everyone should add it to their growing list of books that need to be read or else!
Are you coming to the party late? Did you miss yesterday’s giveaway? Have no fear! You can use the linky’s below and enter any day you've missed—you have until Christmas Eve to get your name in the draws as well as getting your entries submitted for the Grand Prize Giveaway!
And if you forgotten the rules--though I doubt you have--you can find them here.
Day One- Avery Olive
Day Two- Dan Wright
Day Three- Clare Marshall
Day Four- Hildie McQueen
Day Five- Read 2 Review
Day six- Griffin Hayes
Day Seven- Clare Havens
Day Eight: Sherry Soule
Day Nine: J.F. Jenkins
Day Ten: Chelsea Fine
Day Eleven: Christine Ashworth
Day Eight: Sherry Soule
Day Nine: J.F. Jenkins
Day Ten: Chelsea Fine
Day Eleven: Christine Ashworth
Also, let’s not forget about my blog follower, extra giveaway... If I can get to 200 Followers by Christmas Eve I’ll be giving away a little extra something, something, for one of my blog followers!
18 December 2011 at 23:19
this book seems very intriguing so if it's a pdf format i'm definitively in.
all the best
19 December 2011 at 01:50
Hi Michelle,
gorgeous cover and the book sounds wonderful. i can't wait to read it and see what happens.
i hope you and your family have a
very Happy Holiday Season.
19 December 2011 at 06:53
Bitter Black Kiss..sounds like a good heavy-metal band :D Just kidding! The book sounds really interesting!
19 December 2011 at 11:09
19 December 2011 at 11:10
Thank you so much for the great giveaway!!! the book sounds so cool. I love werewolf books and to have it where there is two guys after a girl and a great plot makes it for a very awesome book! I can't wait to go check it out and read about the two hot guys who are werewolves lol!
19 December 2011 at 12:20
This sounds like a really unique story I;d like to read.
19 December 2011 at 12:20
This sounds like a really unique story I;d like to read.
19 December 2011 at 12:58
Books looks good!
mmbrack AT earthlink dot net
19 December 2011 at 13:13
Great story! I love the werewolves. Thank you ror the giveaway!
artgiote at gmail dot com
19 December 2011 at 13:35
I like the cover and want to try the story. Thanks for the chance.
19 December 2011 at 16:16
This sounds like a great read. Very interesting and I like the fact it's about strippers and drug lords as well as the werewolves. I also like the fact you used the name Brody in the story as my sons name is Brody and I love that name.
Have a great Day everyone.
19 December 2011 at 21:17
I don't know that I've read this combination before but I'm definitely intrigued now :D
20 December 2011 at 12:52
Sounds like a great read and I love the cover! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!
20 December 2011 at 18:08
I would like to read this. Thank You. Merry Christmas Everyone!
21 December 2011 at 19:30
Ms Clay,
I have read both your other books and they are AWESOME!!! Been waiting on pins and needles for this one to come out to play too! Hope to read it very soon!
23 December 2011 at 09:01
i really enjoy werewolf stories and love the law enforcement angle too. This sounds like a book I would really enjoy. I can't wait to read it.
seriousreader at live dot com
25 December 2011 at 14:41
This contest is now closed. Any comments made after will not be counted :)