13 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day Ten!

It’s the tenth day of the 13 Days of Christmas Giveaways! And now... we have Chelsea Fine!
Chelsea is no stranger to the blog, she was here, promoting her debut novel Sophie & Carter and now she’s back with a new novel and a super fun interview!
The prize for today is a signed paper-copy of her new novel Anew, she’s also adding a signed copy to the massively huge Grand Prize Giveaway Pot!
Before we get to the interview, let me introduce you to Anew book 1 in the Archers of Avalon series.

Two years ago, Scarlet awoke in the forest alone, afraid, and without her memory. Lost and confused, her life was a mystery until she met a boy with a familiar voice named Gabriel Archer. Intrigued by his voice, Scarlet immerses herself in Gabriel's life only to stumble upon a secret he's kept hidden from her: His brother. Once Scarlet meets Tristan Archer her life becomes even more muddled. While she's instinctively drawn to Gabriel, she's impossibly drawn to Tristan--and confused out of her mind. Why does Gabriel seem so familiar? Why is she so attracted to Tristan? And why are both brothers convinced she's been cursed to die? Scarlet doesn't have the answers...but the Archer brothers do.

Wow! This blurb sounds awesome, and who wouldn’t love a book with two brothers!

Of course I’d like you to enter the contest and see if you win a copy of Anew, but if you must delve into this novel and meet the Archer Brothers as well as Scarlet you can buy Anew from Amazon and Barnes & Noble!
Chelsea was kind enough to stick around and answer a few questions about her, and her novel Anew, so without further adieu...
Welcome Chelsea! Can you tell us a bit about yourself? How about in five words or less.
I smile a LOT.
Now why don’t you tell us a bit about Anew? In five words or less, of courseJ
Love triangle with a curse.
Say you want a pizza, right this second (it’s okay if you do) what kind would it be?
 Hawaiian! I love pineapple! Yum. J
You’ve decided to backpack through the Amazon, only two books will fit in your pack, what would you bring and why?
The Count of Monte Cristo (love!) and The Notebook (my favorite book of all time).
 So, where do you get your inspiration for your novels from?
 Mostly from the people and situations in my life. But sometimes I’m inspired simply but my own desires. I’ll think to myself, “You know what would be great? If I discovered I had a superpower and was from another dimension…” and then I’ll go write a story about a girl from another dimension with a crazy superpower. J
 Can you give us a teaser from the Anew? You know something that will hook and send everyone out to go buy the book right this second.
 She rummaged through her brain for something—any information at all. But her memories seemed lost.
Stolen, even.
As if plucked with magical precision from her head leaving nothing but emptiness.
She was terrified.
She closed her eyes and tried to think. There had to be something in the emptiness; something inside her head that could echo back a memory. She scanned her mind desperately until finally….
Click. Hidden far away, in the back of her brain, was a tiny scrap of knowledge. It flitted about like a hummingbird, teasing her with answers as she chased it around.
Finally, she grasped it and her eyes flew open with two revelations.
Her name was Scarlet Jacobs.
And she was fifteen years old.
Aside from that, she remembered nothing.
 What was the most difficult part of your journey to publication?
Probably summoning up the courage to actually have editors/publishers read my stuff. My books seem so personal to me…like, they’re my babies or something, and for a long time I was really afraid of letting anyone else read them. So, I had to swallow my fears and be brave!
 There are a million different publishers/agents in the industry how did you land your publisher and or agent? 
 Luck. I know, that’s a lame answer, but it’s the truth. I sent my manuscript to a proof-reader I found on Craigslist and was referred to my publisher. Weird, right? But SO awesome!
 Finally, do you have any words of wisdom for aspiring authors? Maybe a lesson that you’ve learned that you’d like to share.
 Don’t give up! You’re never too young or too old. You’re never too busy or too naive. Just write. Write, write, write…until something magical pours out of you and you sit back and say, “Wow. I want to share this. I believe in this story.” Just keep writing! J

You can find Chelsea hanging out at her website, Facebook and Twitter!

Thanks so much Chelsea for stopping by it’s always a pleasure and I can’t wait to read Anew, I loved Sophie & Carter so I have no doubt this will be just as good or better!!

Are you coming to the party late? Did you miss yesterday’s giveaway? Have no fear! You can use the linky’s below and enter any day you've missed—you have until Christmas Eve to get your name in the draws as well as getting your entries submitted for the Grand Prize Giveaway!

And if you forgotten the rules--though I doubt you have--you can find them here.

Day One- Avery Olive
Day Two- Dan Wright
Day Three- Clare Marshall
Day Four- Hildie McQueen 
Day Five- Read 2 Review
Day six- Griffin Hayes
Day Seven- Clare Havens
Day Eight: Sherry Soule
Day Nine: J.F. Jenkins

Also, let’s not forget about my blog follower, extra giveaway... If I can get to 200 Followers by Christmas Eve I’ll be giving away a little extra something, something, for one of my blog followers!

21 Response to "13 Days of Christmas Giveaways: Day Ten!"

  1. tammy ramey Says:

    Hi Chelsea,
    thank you for the chance at such a great giveaway, the cover of the book is beautiful and it sounds like a wonderful story. i look forward to reading it. i hope you and your family have a very Happy Holiday Season.


  2. miki Says:

    that's a book for me ^^;; i love the excerpt so i really really hope to win it it would be wonderful

    thanks you for this post and great giveaway

    all the best


  3. Unknown Says:

    Oh wow, this book sounds so cool just by the summery I really do want it now @_@, two boys, lost memory ahhhhh how I wish for it XD

  4. SimplyMe Says:

    Awesome post and giveaway! Dying to read Anew!


  5. sweety Says:

    Thanks for the international giveaway!!

    Happy holidays and Have a great day :)


  6. SJune Says:

    I read this as an eBook and would LOVE to have a signed book to add to my collection and read again :) Thanks for the giveaway!


  7. ArtemisG Says:

    Anew has very beautiful cover! I agree with your books choice, The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my favorite books.
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    artgiote at gmail dot com

  8. Lena M. Says:

    I love Count of Monte Cristo too, one of the best books ever!

  9. Michelle Brack Says:

    The more I read about your book, the more I want to read it! Def adding it to my to be read list!:-)

    mmbrack AT earthlink DOT net

  10. Martha Schlegel Says:

    Chelsea you are an amazing writer! I LOVE your style and your new book looks to be no exception!! Can't wait to read it...even if I don't win : (

    Happy Holidays!
    Martha - MESchlegel3@gmail.com

  11. Arianne Says:

    that is a breathtaking cover! :) i specifically wanna read a book with a good cover, is that bad?
    email: cruz042 at cougars.csusm.edu

  12. Patricia E. Riley Says:

    This book looks amazing! Can't wait to read it!

    And thank you so much for the chance to win a part of your wonderful festive giveaway!

    Patricia E. Riley
    Patriciaeriley (at) gmail

  13. Hildie McQueen Says:

    I'm late to the party, but still posting a comment. Great post Avery and Chelsea.

  14. Anne Says:

    Chelsea had me at "a love triangle with a curse"!


  15. Na Says:

    Scarlet's story sounds so interesting. Losing her memory sounds scary.


  16. Lindsay K Says:

    Another Book that sounds like a great read. I am going to be busy in the new year. Great Post as well.

  17. Krista Says:

    My TBR list is filling up super fast!!! Liking the sound of this book!!

  18. Unknown Says:

    I want to win this book so so so BAD!!!


  19. Erin Says:

    Chelsea your book sounds awesome, I can't wait to read it!!

    Thanks for taking the time to tell us about Anew and giving us a chance to win a signed copy!!

  20. Linda Henderson Says:

    Great cover, and the story sounds very intriguing. A love triangle and paranormal aspects, sounds like my kind of book. I would love to read it.

    seriousreader at live dot com

  21. Sana Says:

    I just love the cover of Anew and the synopsis is so amazing that I can't wait to get my hands on it!

    Chelsea Fine is such a honest person, I liked the interview a lot!

    sanashams [at] hotmail.com

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile